Monday, April 30, 2012

Strange Gifts

Ariana Page has a condition called dermatographia.  This condition causes her skin to get red and enflamed whenever  gentle scratch is made on her skin.  Instead of letting this condition trouble her, she uses it as an art form.  Talk about a gift in discuise.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Painting Badass

See this?  Are you looking at it?  Well look closer.  Cause you're sure as simple not going to believe what I'm about to tell you.  You ready?  ............ Wait for it ................. Those Fish ......... and that water ............ are PAINTED INTO THE BARREL!

I know, I didn't believe it at first either.  But it's true.  Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori uses resin to create 3-demensional fish in "Water" aka clear resin.  Now I don't know about you.  But whenever I paint, it is extremely hard for me to achieve any level of realism.  I am absolutely amazed by this man's attention to detail and patience to create something so lifelike. 

Below I have added a link to a site that has a beautiful video of him working on just such a project.  Enjoy!  And be amazed!

Boredom and Other Cyber-Brainwashed States of Mind

So as I'm sitting here procrastinating my homework (Grrrrr German 3) I'm feeling slightly guilty.  Because truly, my boredom is my own fault fault.  So many people today on Facebook or other social networks feel the need to post statuses about boredom, or other such things of equal or lesser value.  So I suggest that we all get off our cyber-brainwashed asses and go learn something.  Here's a link to a likeminded individuals solution to our problem.